Find the Training Program That Works for You

employees and teams increase collaboration, communication, confidence & creativity.

is in fostering a positive company culture using the tools & mindset of improvisation.

We help
Our passion & expertise

Improv Workshops for Large Groups

Improv is a team sport!

Which means, it’s the perfect format to use with large numbers of employees. We have developed programs specifically geared for groups ranging from 30 to 300.

Some of the many benefits of our LARGE GROUP FORMAT workshops:

+ keeps everyone engaged & on their feet - no sitting around listening to a presenter for hours

+ a perfect way to get people to mix & mingle, working with both familiar & new faces

+ a high-energy way to have everyone experience the advantages of improv first-hand

+ a ton of fun and is an ideal addition to longer programs that changes things up & keeps it interesting

Improv Workshops for Small Teams

Bring fun, engaging and interactive training to your teams so they work better together, increase confidence, and are able to think quickly on their feet.

Offered in 1-2 hour classes or half-day sessions.

Our trainings improve:

+ Conflict Management

+ Creativity & Innovation

+ Leadership

+ Presenting & Public Speaking

+ or areas we address in a customized session


Hire our expert improvisers to help your team elevate their awareness and increase effectiveness with our series of 4-6 workshops.

These allow more sustained development for employees and include valuable time applying improv to their work and receiving individualized professional coaching.

Watch employees gain confidence and ease with:

+ Situations needing increased preparation

+ Client Calls

+ Leading Meetings

+ Interacting with difficult people

+ Engagement and Participation

“Folks are still talking about our evening of Improv! The energy your team brought to the event was amazing; you made everyone feel extremely comfortable about participating (including our Leaders!) and all thoughts were tuned into engaging, learning and having a blast!”

- Unique Muhammad, Ernst & Young

Some of our most

  • It's no secret that now more than ever cultivating company culture is a must.

    Our Team Building sessions are here to help businesses create a space where team members can build confidence, stay cool under pressure, feel connected, and have FUN! These workshops will take your team from feeling tired to feeling inspired.

    Great for teams who:

    + work (or have been working) remotely

    + have new or merging members trying to navigate the lay of the land

    + need an energy boost

    + are looking for a fun way to celebrate and collaborate!

  • When presented with challenges and new problems to overcome, divergent thinking becomes paramount to creating new and innovative solutions.

    Nothing taps into a DIVERGENT MINDSET faster than improvisation. Give your company the time-proven shortcuts and tools to unleash creative, dynamic and effortless ideas.

  • There is a "perfect storm" required which allows innovative thinking to occur, creativity to thrive, and groups of talented individuals to work seamlessly together as ONE unit.

    Improvisation holds within it the keys to create these conditions, as improv itself exists in that "perfect storm" and the skills needed to improvise are the very same used to excel in this arena.

    Creativity needs freedom. Freedom from self-judgment, from unsupportive teammates, from skepticism, from a “yes, but” culture, and from fear of going into uncharted territory. Improv can only exist in freedom…and we teach you how to get there and stay there.

  • Strong product knowledge is just one aspect of effective sales training. How you deliver that knowledge & information is just as important - if not more: the emotional connection to what you’re saying, the story you are telling and relating - genuinely - to your clients.

    Let us work with your team to build ownership & confidence in speaking about your company’s products & services - beyond the data points.

    We use improv to find more at ease fielding questions, going “off script”, presenting to skeptical audiences, and handling unforeseen challenges.

  • This workshop will provide your group with an introduction to the fundamentals of improv, the benefits of an Improv Mindset, and an opportunity to see how these tools can be utilized in their day-to-day work.

    This workshop will focus on the following skills:

    + being present

    + listening at a higher level

    + communication & collaboration

    + storytelling

    + pivoting

    + applying a Yes-And mindset

  • Let us help YOU make your event memorable!

    Have an event that needs a little somethin’ somethin’ to get everyone’s energy up while also providing a quick way to get to know one another? Let us help!

    Improv games are a great way to get everyone on their feet and will get your event off to a memorable start. Our facilitators can travel to any location and are equipped to work with groups of 5 or 500.

    Great for:

    +An offsite training




We also offer:



Give future business leaders an advantage with improv tools and an agile mindset.

Our professional facilitators can lead your group in a unique, experiential session focusing on the benefits of improv for leadership, executive presence, and a Growth Mindset in action.

Besides being extremely fun and interactive, workshops will give participants greater:

+ flexibility
+ leadership with empathy
+ comfort in ambiguity
+ positive & inclusive thinking
+ effective communication
+ access to instincts & creativity



Now available with our Professional Coaches!


Sarah Hicks, Executive Director of Corporate Education

Email Sarah Hicks, Executive Director of Corporate Education

Ready for improv to make your team more productive & positive?

Tell us about your goals, we’ll identify the right improv for your needs, and send you a customized proposal to review. Easy breezy!